🔗 Security Engineering Blog

Part 2 - The Achilles Systems Hack Assessment Series: Revisiting Enterprise Controls

2024-06-10 20:18:28 UTC

In a recent webcast, the Achilles Systems Hack Assessment Series continued with a focus on revisiting enterprise controls. The session analyzed the security breach at Achilles Systems, highlighting how their existing controls were insufficient to withstand the attack. The discussion delved into ways to tailor and enhance these controls to better protect against future threats. As Achilles works to recover and strengthen its defenses, the importance of prioritizing and implementing security controls was emphasized. The webcast also covered topics such as CIS Critical Security Controls and the need for a more advanced defense strategy. This initiative aligns with concepts from SEC566: Implementing and Auditing Security Frameworks and Controls. For more information, visit: https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-courses/implementing-auditing-cis-controls/.

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