🔗 Security Engineering Blog

Part 1 - The Achilles Systems Hack Assessment Series: Breach or Blueprint?

2024-06-10 20:06:52 UTC

Achilles Systems, a fictional IT service provider for HR teams in medium and large businesses, has been hacked, compromising sensitive customer data and potentially customer networks. Despite having a small security team focusing on basic controls, the attacker, a sophisticated adversary, managed to bypass security measures including multi-factor authentication and endpoint detection and response agents. As Achilles works to recover and rebuild trust, they plan to invest in more advanced defense measures to prevent future attacks. This incident will be discussed in a webcast as part of a series examining the breach and exploring strategies for continuous detection and response to combat advanced attackers in the future. The webcast will cover SOC planning, intelligence for detection and response, and incident response. This supports concepts from the course Building and Leading Security Operations Centers. For more information, visit https://www.sans.org/cyber-security-courses/building-leading-security-operations-centers/ and learn about the Operational Triad at https://www.sans.org/cybersecurity-leadership/triads/.

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